Digital Marketing is the most effective way to market your product or service. It is the most effective way to reach your target audience with minimum time and cost.

India has always been a priority when it comes to outsourcing. There has been a lot many major companies who have shown keen interest in investing in India such as Cisco, Oracle and Hewlett Packard because they have gained access to superior talent and the kind of serious or focus towards work is more than compare to another part of the world, most of the companies look for quality results, fast turn around and low costs effect and for all these parameters India has been the first choice for them.

India has evolved as one of the most-sought-after offshore destinations. According to the surveys conducted, 80% of European and US outsourcing firms have ranked India as their most-preferred outsourcing centre. NASSCOM also outlined that nearly 50% of all Fortune 500 companies choose Indian outsourcing firms for software development. Staying ahead of the curve in development, India has a matured market when it comes to delivery on time.

India truly deserves this appreciation from around the globe due to numerous favourable factors that are being mentioned below:

1. Most reasonable costing & flexible pricing: The biggest reason is the significant cost-saving benefit for offshore companies. This is majorly due to the massive gap prevalent between personnel costs in India and that of the developed countries.

For example, the cost of living in the US is more as compared to the cost of living in India. This results in a decrease in the development cost by 30-35% as compared to the USA and Europe. Also, the Indian currency value is less as compared to leading currencies across the world such as the Dollar, Pound, Euro, etc.

The flexibility of pricing in India is also a significant attraction for offshore organizations.

2. Consistency in offering high-quality solutions: Another reason why India remains in its position as the global leader when it comes to outsourcing is because the services provided in the country are of a very high standard, and India is pretty famous for the quality of its digital and information technology services and products. With the high competitivity of the other developing countries on the outsourcing market, only price alone wouldn’t be able to sustain India’s position on the top of the list. Companies have developed a sense of trust in the services offered by Indian companies.

3. Availability of finest talent with language proficiency: India is home to the world’s largest technical and industrial talent pool. India has a population of over 1.32 billion and millions of graduates are coming up to join as qualified and upgraded workforce every year. In addition to it, India is the largest English-speaking country in the world, which is another highly favourable factor for India.

4. Conducive IT policies by the Government of India: The IT sector holds a major portion of the Indian Economy. It offers employment to the majority of young people in India. Due to this, the Indian government has made policies more supportive for the IT industry.

Along with the Economy, the Indian government also supports GDP growth, taxation, power, telecom, industrial parks, and special zones for enhancing the overall infrastructure and communication systems.

The Indian government also provides tax and other benefits under the IT Act. This act favours electronic contracts and Indian cyber law that looks after cybercrime so that outsourced service providers can deliver streamlined services to clients across the globe.

5. Timely delivery of solutions in a highly transparent way: India has got the advantages due to its time zone and it’s the prime factor that enables Indian outsourcing companies to deliver solutions quickly and professionally.

6. Maximum return on investments (ROI): In outsourcing digital marketing to India, overall costs will be reduced because of which you will be able to work with highly qualified people and very committed companies that are up to date in technology, and with the global trends you will also be able to focus on the core aspects of your business and may also be able to increase your production capacity without having to invest in physical expansion.

7. Favourable time Zone and also available to work on night hours: One of the significant benefits of outsourcing to India is the time-zone difference. Various outsource development companies in India provide round the clock service to various firms in the US and western countries.

For example, when you are not working in the US, a remote development team in India is working on your project. This round the clock service enhances the productivity of developers and they can deliver projects on or before time.

Due to this 12-hour time-zone difference, your productivity and efficiency will increase and you will be able to focus on the more critical tasks of your business. Time zone difference is also the reason why India has become standard for various service-related tasks such as 24*7 customer support, helpdesk services, etc.

8. Technology up to date: Digital marketing has developed a lot in India in the past few years and has caught up with the rest of the world. Because of the recent government efforts towards information technology, companies tend to be more highly integrated with the global market and – therefore – the global trends.

9. Indian Human Resources: Indian Human Resources are recognized throughout the world and Indian brains are currently imported to fulfil the highest positions in multinational companies, recognized universities and international organizations. Around 68 million people of Its 1.2 billion population are university graduates. In Delhi – India’s capital – they comprise around 25% of the population. The more qualified people are, the better the services’ delivery.

To outsource your Digital Marketing Projects email us at info@ or call +91-8527874599.