India is the hottest destination for outsourcing projects for US, Europe and Australia, If you are looking for a partner in India then you are at the right place. We at Tech4Planet take all kinds of project and deliver quality output at affordable rates.

Organizations and individuals from US, Europe, and Australia prefer India to outsource their IT, Digital Marketing, BPO, and other projects for various reasons. In a recent study, nearly 80% of European and US outsourcing firms ranked India as their number one outsourcing destination leaving behind China and several other countries. Almost half of all Fortune 500 companies choose to outsource software development to Indian outsourcing firms. Other competitors like China, Mexico, Ireland, and the Philippines are giving good competition to India but still, India has managed to outperform all others and emerge as the top outsourcing destination for the world.

Let us try to understand what makes India a hot destination to outsource your projects. Here are some of the reasons which elaborate #AdvantageIndia.


INDIA has a population of over 1.3 billion people and more than 450 Million of population is youth. India adds more than 3.1 million graduates to the workforce every year. On top of these India is also has the largest English speaking population in the world, even larger than USA and UK combined which attracts people to outsource their project in India from across the globe. As we can see India clearly tops the chart in terms of quantity but in terms of quality also India has vast pool of very talented people. From Google to Microsoft Indian talents have hold the top posts in various fortune 500 countries.


This is the number one driving factor for the organizations/individuals to outsource their work to India. India has a very cheaper human resource. For example, a quality developer in the U.S. can cost anywhere from $50 to $80/hour depending on skills and experience but the same quality in India can be negotiated down to as low as $10-15 per hour. This pricing flexibility allows companies the freedom and creativity in managing their budget and helps them reap large profits by outsourcing their work to India as compared to executing their projects in their native country.


While cost is the number one reason why anyone look at India to outsource their projects but they remain intact for long duration of time due to impressive quality and time-to-market provided by Indian resources.

If you are looking to outsource your work to India then you can contact us at info@

We provide following services at the price which can help you reap good profits:

  • Software Development
  • Accessibility Testing (PDF Remediation)
  • Digital Marketing
  • Website Development (WordPress, Magento, HTML etc.)
  • Mobile App Development (Android, IOS)
  • Content Writing
  • Market Research
  • Data Entry
  • Data Analytics

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